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SCPC - Shredding is an important step in the battery recycling process as it breaks down the batteries

Shredding is an important step in the battery recycling process as it breaks down the batteries into smaller pieces and helps separate the various components, such as metal and plastic casing, electrolyte, and electrodes. Shredded batteries are easier to process further and recycle, as the small pieces can be sorted and separated more efficiently.

The Rousselet Robatel Kromaton continuous SCPC Centrifuge can be used in the shedding step for solid-liquid separation of priorly shredded and washed pieces. Originally designed for swarf de-oiling, SCPC centrifuges are perfectly suited for battery recycling.
The centrifuge operates continuously and automatically with a hydraulic pusher plate for solids discharge. For this application in particular the centrifuge is usually customized with conveyors for the loading and the discharging.
