Una pregunta, una petición de una cotización
Francia: +33 (0)4 75 69 22 11 /
Estados Unidos de América: +1 413 499 4818 /
Rousselet Centrifugation Group has decided to modernized its logo in order to have a better visibility and understanding with the whole of our Partners.
Indeed, Rousselet Centrifugation Group has been built during the last 100 years by different merging with high value Companies and trademarks.
Therefore, one visual and dynamic logo allows to understand that a link is existing between all these companies and technologies, and at the end, the same high valuable persons, all around the world
Rousselet Centrifugation (Headquarter), Robatel Inc (USA subsidiary), Rousselet UK (UK subsidiary), Rousselet CZ (Czech subsidiary), Rousselet Robatel (Trade mark), Kromaton (Trade mark), Machsep (Trade mark) are all linked with the same logo.